1) Laptop died again. It was a mistake to even think of the thing as Ed - but it looks so much like Ed. XD; Small, red and black, powerful but noisy, prone to overheating. Much like Ed it knows its responsibilities and keels over only after the crisis has resolved (read: finals period), but once in the shop half its components will need replacing. Again. Tomorrow I harangue Dell's customer support.
Parents bought me a Nano for Christmas. As it is a precise shade of orange I named it Schuldig; we'll see how that goes. With a bit of luck all it'll do is make psychic songcalls.
2) As usual I've signed up for a bunch of cards via the flist, but can't reciprocate due to lack of time and funds. ^_^; I want to post some fanstuff over the holidays, though, like an informal advent calendar... Have a few items in the queue but suggestions are plenty welcome. XD
3) Caught Quantum of Solace with sororial unit. Am also reading The Alexandria Quartet, finally: or rather, maltreating the lovely jewel-like language in my hurry to understand WTF is going on, though the trail of crumbs is clearly going to end in a Schrodinger's Box. (Now I grok why
sub_divided found it so fatal that the Books of Albion opened with a Durrell reference; Libsdom was all hypertextual Interlinear, not massive but friable.) Will post again when done. It goes well with Leonard Cohen's Ten New Songs, which actually features an extended riff on Cavafy. XD
usomitai accused me of turning everything to Leonard Cohen. I could probably construct a FST for these books, but not fast enough to take advantage of December's theme.
Other books and movies but will review the lot in a separate post I guess.
cerisier)! Some of whom practically look more like themselves drawn than otherwise. Though it occurs to one that - historically - shoujo manga conventions evolved in large part as a framework for the representation of coltish moppy-haired British boys... yeah.