November 15 Writer Birthdays

Nov 15, 2015 21:17

November 15 Writer Birthdays
  • 1862 - Gerhardt Hauptmann, Nobel Prize-winning German dramatist and novelist.

  • 1881 - Franklin Pierce Adams, American columnist, poet, and radio personality, known for his wit; he often went by his initials F.P.A.

  • 1887 - Marianne Moore, American Modernist poet noted for her irony and wit; she won both a National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.

  • 1890 - Richmal Crompton, an English writer; she was best known for her humorous children's books but also wrote for adults.

  • 1910 - Beryl Epstein, American author of children's nonfiction and fiction books who collaborated with her husband, Samuel Epstein; their books often focused on how things work and why things happen.

  • 1915 - Elliott Chaze, American war veteran, journalist, and pulp novelist.

  • 1926 - Thomas Williams, National Book Award-winning American novelist and finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award.

  • 1930 - J.G. Ballard, English novelist, essayist, and short-story writer associated early in his career with the New Wave of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic science-fiction novels; he also wrote war stories and postmodernist fiction.

  • 1941 - Daniel Pinkwater, American children's and young adult author, whose books have a tendency towards the humorous and absurd.

  • 1949 - Maira Kalman, Israeli/American author and illustrator of children's books, columnist for the New Yorker and The New York Times, and artist.

  • 1951 - Ehsan Sehgal, Pakistani poet, author, journalist, magazine editor, and activist.

  • 1952 - Rick Atkinson, American author and military historian who has won Pulitzer Prizes in both History and Journalism.

  • 1959 - Tibor Fischer, British novelist and short-story writer.

  • 1977 - Jonathan Benjamin Hurwitz, American screenwriter, director, and producer, best known for the "Harold and Kumar" movies.

Happy BIrthday to all of today's Birthday Writers!

short stories, writer's birthdays, screenwriting, science fiction, poetry, journalism, young adult literature, nonfiction, mystery, children's literature

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