The huge purple storm cloud hangs over a jaundiced sky like a sullen teenager who's been grounded for the weekend. With the exception of the teenager bit, that's about an exact an approximation of my current situation as is possible. I am stuck, on my last few days in Ilam, wishy-washying around with these stupid essays and this stupid group project to research instead of partying it up like I should be. It's nice to know that the weather, at least, is sympathetic to my plight.
A month left to Singapore. Back to overcrowding and stress and the sensory hell that is public transport. In between now and then I'll be skiing, snowboarding, climbing glaciers, bungy-jumping, boozing it up, tramping and swimming with sharks (!). It's going to make leaving all the worse.
What this means, all ye uncaring souls out there (and I know you're out there, because I pick my friends wisely and well), is that I probably won't be updating for a while. In the meantime, go shop for a damn present for my birthday.