As a way to close off my 20th birthday, I have begun a livejournal. Probably 2 people will read this, but I will write it in rememberance of the day that began the downward spiral of my life. Twenty is old, I have 8 white hairs and within the next three years I can only assume that my entire head will be white. And while I passed a hair salon with a girl getting her hair dyed white thinking "wow that looks cool," the natural way isn't as fun. I also predict that I am developing a brain tumour which is probably the result of me trying to take school more seriously - because lately I've been getting headaches and I never get headaches - so you know what that means.
The day wasn't all bad though - I ate cake - which was yummy. I recieved gifts - which were pretty. And I realized that most of my old friends are probably better than the ones I call "friends" now (shout outs to Jackie and Josie). If I learned anything in my Origins of Christianity class that i took for 20 minutes before dropping it - it was to be like that dude Jesus and be thankful and appreciative and care and share with others. So I will now suck up all my pessimistic energy and look forward to my 20's, hopefully a time to renew good old friendships and time to prosper and hopefulyl be successful. So yay for me! Yay for my livejournal that will soon rock everyones purple socks!! GO ME!
<3 Nicole