Rec List, part deux

Nov 04, 2007 10:54

So I apparently have decided to venture outside of the MCR fandom for quite a while now. I learned three things: 1) Joe and Andy are the equivalent and Bob and Ray in my fandom 2) capital letters are apparently unheard of 3) Joe/Patrick is about the same as Frank/Bob for obvious and yet no one seems to see it. I figured something was in(evitable)order:

[once again, arranged by pairing. I'm totally biased...and picky.]


A Stitch Away From Making It (A Scar Away From Falling Apart) NC-17, two-part by femmequixotic [in which those pictures are unleashed upon the world, and Pete sulks a lot. long, long, long]
after the boys of summer have gone PG, two-part by megyal [band-camp AU. gets a teensy bit cheesy towards the end, but the characterization is dead on.]
woman like a man NC-17, standalone by longtime_lurker [genderswap]
we could make beautiful music together - 18 (Glenview) PG-13?, standalone by iphignia939 [in which Patrick and Pete meet online. AU - also, not exactly a sequel, but close]
(many things lacking names) R, two-part by provetheworst [Pete has no shadow. some Pete/William too.]

Of course, this is only the beginning. I will add more as soon as I get un-lazy. As a bit of advice, though - more Joe. more JoeJoeJoe. also, more Butcher. and Siska. how about some Butcher/Sisky? That would make me happy. and hello world, where is the Anthony Green/Craig Owens. Seriously, what the fuck.

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