Ugly Betty: The Fall Issue [spoilers]

May 29, 2009 13:33

Just saw the Ugly Betty Season 3 finale! I didn't have a chance to watch it last week. I really liked it. I thought the characterisation of Marc was great - which it sometimes is and sometimes isn't on the show. I thought there was a real watershed moment for Justin and I found it truly moving. I thought Molly's death and the Betty/Daniel friendship were handled beautifully - I guess there's a tiny part of me that, however unoriginally and however without hope, ships Betty/Daniel, but I really like Matt, and I liked Gio too. Henry is just a douche though, I really can't stand the man. The Claire adoption subplot and the various cunning plans of Wilhelmina were as exciting as ever. Most of all, I love the fact that Betty is finally moving up in the world.

The thing about this show is that even though it is a ridiculous soap opera, and not all of the plot points get completely tied up... well, that IS the whole premise. It's easier to forgive in this show than in the ones that make the same mistakes without any of the self-awareness. And I love the bubblegum camp world it's set in, and I love the cast, and I love the main character, and I really like the writing most of the time. I'm so glad it's been renewed. Long may she sail!

ugly betty, television, gay

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