(no subject)

Sep 21, 2007 19:27

 JESUS GUYS. Everyone's so quiet. What happened, online zombie apocalypse, what?

I got my IPTV working for about three minutes, then it stopped again. And I burnt my finger quite badly on my saucepan, and I had a heated row with one of my flatmates (no pun intended, and the two aren't connected at all), but we're over it now (actually, I'm not completely, but THAT'S WHAT I'M LETTING HER THINK. MWAHAHA. I'm lulling her into a false sense of security. Then, when she least expects it, I will flip her off behind her back!).

Anyway, so that's me. Anyone written anything good lately which I haven't read yet?

OH OH WAIT, I forgot, has anyone seen The Revolution Will Not be Televised? It's a brilliant, brilliant documentary about Chavez and the 2002 coup and how incredibly maniplative the media are, both in the US and in Venezuela, and... so on. It's fantastic. I joined Hands Off Venezuela, and it's actually more or less the most fun I've had since I've got here.

zombies, cinema, moaning, television, stressed

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