(no subject)

Aug 02, 2007 00:22

So, I feel like I've been slightly absent lately. I'm pretty busy right now, because

I'm still working with the autistic kids, which is GREAT, but ohmygod so tiring. One of the kids is 16 and about 6'5", and he has this Muppets obsession. He can draw the best picture of Kermit. At first I thought it was just some squiggles, and then it took shape, and it was brilliant. He was wearing a cape and flying for some reason. It was amazing. The kid I have this week is really sweet, except for the fact that he likes to insult people for no reason. The problem is that it's really funny, so everyone laughs, which is only going to reinforce it, but, you know, it's funny.

So anyway, on Monday I was so tired that I  fell asleep at 9.30, which - I mean, I'm supposed to have DSPS, so that's just insane. And yesterday evening I went to see the Simpsons movie with my dad, which was fun, and afterwards I got invited over to this girl's house for some drinks - it was strange actually, because we went to school together years ago, and I hadn't seen her for ages, until my friend Lotte's reunion/birthday party thing (I hadn't seen HER for about two years either). We had exchanged numbers and everything, because you do that. I assumed I would never see her again, but she texted me out of the blue, so I went over, and that was nice.

Today was crazy. We took the kids to this park thing, and one of them threw a fit because she wanted to go somewhere else, and I managed to get into a slanging match with another volunteer because he had a portable speaker thing, and I hooked it up to my iPod, and he didn't like The Clash OR The Ramones, and he said something like "do you have anything good, like Linkin Park?". Which did not go down well. My kid (not MINE. You know) was sitting next to me and decided to join in the argument, which was sort of gratifying, in an insane kind of way.
So basically, right now I'm either busy doing stuff or I'm too tired to do anything at all. Which means I'm probably missing things that are going on. Sorry about that.

There was a point to this post but it got lost. I think it may have had something to do with my nipples. I have no idea.

Anyway, hope all's well for everyone.

non sequiturs

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