She is watching the detectives, ooh, he's so cute

Jul 20, 2007 01:08

karaokegal, I have had that in my head since yesterday.

I'm seriously thinking of writing a Poirot slash fic. Like, a Poirot/Hastings/Japp love triangle. With smut. And Miss Lemon as a lesbian.

Also, a Columbo character study fic based on 'Murder, Smoke and Shadows'.

Get thee behind me, Satan. See, this is what comes of watching ITV3 all day.

Did anyone see The Daily Show earlier? Or last night, I guess, if you're in America. Right between John Oliver's segment and the break, Jon turned to him and squeed. I swear to God. I tried to lip-read him, I think he said "that was really good," or something like that. It was so cute. It was really good, too, especially "it's just a theatrical expression, like 'break a leg' or 'fuck you, Jon Stewart'". Lol. Matt Groening was really good, too, but I'm annoyed at him for not watching Father Ted. Fool.

writing, slash, jon stewart, television, comedy

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