A dykey feminist rant, among other delights

Jun 18, 2007 04:25

The Observer Magazine has really gone downhill.

Look, I dislike pink as much as the next normal, well-adjusted* woman, except to denote gay pride (and even then, in moderation, people) but here's the thing that really gets my goat about this article (other than that it's a total non-issue, she's scraping the bottom of the 'column topic' barrel and people shouldn't be judged based on their favourite colour):

"In my experience, good men enjoy being worried; they quite like a woman with bite."

What?! How is that relevant to anything, in the context? It comes completely out of the blue. It's just another example of this mindset that women are concerned primarily with whether or not their behaviour makes them desirable to men. It's the modern-day equivalent of "that's all well and good, but it's not going to get you a husband, is it?". It's nonsense, and the worst thing about it is that the columnist clearly has no idea she's doing it. It's that ingrained. A year ago, I wouldn't have noticed it either; I would have taken it for granted. It's damaging - I can tell you that from personal experience.

Right so, that's enough of that. Here's a great big list of slashy M*A*S*H quotes (thanks for cheering me up by reminding me,
chicafrom3 ).

For some reason I'm googling cunnilingus techniques. That can't be good. I clearly need a girlfriend as a matter of urgency.
*Yes, of course that's a joke. Normal and well-adjusted. Ha.

Amusing haiku meme stolen from

silliness, feminism, slash, moaning, m*a*s*h, gay

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