Hilarity is ensuing

Apr 03, 2007 20:11

If you somehow don't know who Bill Bailey is, you don't watch enough English TV. Because I feel the urge to spread the word, here is his Doctor-Who-theme-inspired song, Dr Qui, in the style of Belgian jazz.

Le voyage dans le Tardis, le boite de telephone. Fantastique!
L'interieur est plus grand que l'exterieur
Avec les Daleks, le Docteur est superieur.
Exterminez-vous! Exterminez-vous!

And here is his Cockney Medley (you know the American TV Guide described Christopher Ecclestone as a "cockney dude"? That has nothing to do with anything but I found it amusing.)

Here are two of his live shows, and here is a sitcom in which he co-starred, Black Books. In case you've never seen it, it's almost as good as Father Ted, ie one of the best things ever ever.

There is also a video I found inexplicably hilarious, under the cut.

I also bought Rant in E Minor today, when I went to Birmingham with my dad. Plus I managed to pick up Emile, which I've been trying to track down for ages.

bill hicks, silliness, dylan moran, television, literature, bill bailey, comedy

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