Jul 02, 2010 00:10

Oh my God this day sucks balls! Lukas left today, which is kind of sad but fine and everything, but then my anal retentive housemate gave me a lecture about my level of cleanliness not meeting her standards - part of this is about imaginary washing up, like stuff that she attributes to me but was definitively not stuff I used, or stuff that she thinks has been sitting around for a week but that I actually used yesterday or even today, and then there's the bathroom thing again, and the duvet cover debacle (long story). She was INSANELY RUDE about it. Anyway I took it like a man ("That is, like a woman, without complaint" - Alan Bennett), and went to the movies. Unfortunately the movie I saw was this, which was much like being hit over the head by a really boring brick. And the producer and director were there and there was a Q&A and the crowd was kind of harsh (three or four people walked out during the movie, even with them sitting there) and the director went on the defensive, and the guy sitting next to me was an honest-to-God LA movie producer, and he was attractive and went to quite a lot of effort to make conversation with me and I was thinking "I'm totally in here" but then he left before the Q&A was over, which I didn't have the heart to do, because he had to be up early apparently. Then I rang up my mother and my friend Polly and bitched about the housemate - they were both really supportive - then got back home and SHE HAD THROWN AWAY HALF OF MY FOOD! Supposedly she thought it was Lukas's, and old. My fresh mushrooms that I bought yesterday and the last of my spring onion, which was still absolutely fine. And my beer was missing, which apparently she knows nothing about at all. Anyway she did apologise and everything, but STILL. At this point I was like "just use a calm tone of voice and don't make eye contact - if that fails, play dead". She is legitimately insane. I want to urinate on her face I swear to God.

lunatics, cinema

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