Dumb things I tweeted today

May 20, 2010 23:00

  • 00:05 "The Venn Diagram of boys who don’t like smart girls and boys you don’t want to date is a circle." - John... tumblr.com/xf4a5olir #
  • 16:03 Photo: illbethereforu: THIS THIS THIS tumblr.com/xf4a6wp2q #
  • 16:21 donttellanyonebut: I hear the crazy cat lady market is weak these days. tumblr.com/xf4a6xg5f #
  • 21:05 441. Don't give unsolicited lessons on the golf course or at the pool table. - (via rulesformyunbornson) tumblr.com/xf4a79c2a #
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