Dumb things I tweeted today

Jan 17, 2010 23:01

  • 03:53 Video: swing (via StephenWorth) tumblr.com/xf45lgf3x #
  • 07:30 Audio: dylanmusic: tumblr.com/xf45ln5ir #
  • 19:52 Photo: ‘Seinfeld Wars’ fan art (pic)-The Live Feed | THR Outstanding! tumblr.com/xf45m41bv #
  • 19:54 @ marcusbrig Ambivalent as to whether you've seen it or not? #
  • 19:55 @ marcusbrig I've never seen it actually, but I feel that way about Taxi Driver. And The Dark Knight for that matter. Iconoclasm rules... #
  • 20:25 @ marcusbrig Oh yeah, I agree about Blade Runner too - never did it for me. Love The Godfather though. #
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