Jan 07, 2010 22:06

 FFS I was gonna go to England tomorrow night, and then it was all like "snowgasm" and Gatwick's head asplode so I was all like "hahaha no" and then it turns out that changing my flights is gonna be EXPENSIVE AS FUCK, so now I'm like "fuck it I'm gonna go to England I AM CRAVING CRUMPETS SO BADLY I AM NOT EVEN JOKING", but IDK it's probably going to be a nightmare. I will probably a) get stuck in Surrey b) die in an icy motorway crash c) get stuck in Nottingham d) get stuck in London on the way back or e) zombies. Okay well fuck it, I'm going to give it a go anyway, this is how much I want crumpets. I want crumpets with Stilton you guys. For serious. Oh yeah and I want to finally meet my friend's baby, I was supposed to meet her weeks ago but she was LATE BEING BORN. God some people are so rude.

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