
Feb 23, 2024 14:08

Ария и хор из третьего акта оратории "Самсон" в исполнении ансамбля "The Sixteen", дирижёр Гарри Кристоферс:

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83. Air and Chorus
Glorious hero, may thy grave
Peace and honour ever have;
After all thy pain and woes
Rest etemal, sweet repose!
Glorious hero, may thy grave
Peace and honour ever have!

84. Solo and Chorus
Israelite Woman
The virgins too shall on their feastful days
Visit his tomb with flow'rs, and there bewail
His lot unfortunate in nuptial choice.
Bring the laurels, bring the bays,
Strew his hearse, and strew the ways!

Israelite Woman
May ev'ry hero fall like thee,
Through sorrow to felicity!

Bring the laurels, bring the bays
Strew his hearse and strew the ways!

Glorious hero, may thy grave
Peace and honour ever have,
After all thy pains and woes,
Rest etemal, sweet repose!

music, oratorio, video, handel

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