May 12, 2009 09:42
Yeah so spring semester is over and I am defenitely irritated. I got three a's and one b, which most people would think was good.... Well I do not. I was really hoping all A's, but no my evil english teacher has to grade essays difficult..... I was always good in english, and writing papers was easy. But this year the teacher decides that my responses on essay questions aren't good enough to give me an a.... I answered the damn questions!!! I know that it is my fault, maybe if I didn't do the essays the night before I would have made an A. But seriously, working full time and going to school sucks.... i would love to be able to take a break from work at least for another extra day during the week, but I just can't afford too. And I added up what I should have gotten, I knew it was going to be close, but that just makes it suck even more. I wish teachers would round.... I guess I'll just have to deal with my new gpa of a 3.7 :(