Apr 27, 2006 21:25
It seems the heart keeps me going , the soul is lifted and my mind stays fresh
i have been subject of verbal attack by at two people two days ago, whom i have to work close with everyday , hey why i am so scoffed? this is what seems to be a lesson i have to conquer as in yet, never the less i stood my ground on one account and the other,well, is the boss. I have made a clear notification of facts and a statement of procedures in place which only seem to become the companies bible, when ever suited, hence one bullshit artist less and one boss who did not ride my back today, i went out all day visiting my fav clients having coffee and talking about the world of Food and what makes it so great, Fritz send me an invite to the launch of the wintermenu for the origins at the sheraton including a exhibition of Glen Taylor entiteld~shine~ featuring work of art painting , he is such a sweetheart ,so i console myself with all the good things which happen to me and dismiss the negative
yeah tomorrow morning i will go back to the Office smiling and getting on with my work , opening up, making room for a good outcome and a diplomatic approach of every ones personal issues