(no subject)

Jul 04, 2009 19:57

Petra slumps down into a well padded chair before a desk covered in cosmetics. One hand reaches up to let her hair tumble out of its binding, spilling over the back of the chair in curls. "I hate this... just a few more days and it'll be ready." Her voice is a whisper. Her eyes are closed and sleep begins to over take her.

Before dreams can overtake her the creak of the door awakens her and she sits bolt up turning towards the doorway one hand gripping the handle of the knife strapped under the desk.

A smooth voice issues from the mouth of the man in the doorway. "Keep jumping like that and someone will figure things out Lara."

Petra scowls at Peter. "I have no secrets, remember?" She sits back down on the arm of the chair. Absently she twists her hair up into a bun keeping the weight off of her shoulders.

"Of course not. Though, I have to wonder why you're moving several thousand dollars into a new account." His face is impassive and Petra scowls again.

"I want to make a purchase."

"And how are you going to explain the disappearance of the money?"

At this Petra smiles, just slightly, then returns to scowling. "Well, a person of my position should be generous yes? Seems like a charity was just started and all the money goes there."

Peter snorts. "No way to talk you out of this?" She shakes her head.

"This is something I need to do." Well, need was subjective. This was something she wanted to do, something that might very well allow her to get away from the Hegemon headquarters and into a persona less annoying then the one she played down.

Peter says nothing to this, simply looks at her then turns on his heel and leaves. Petra doubts she has heard the last of it, but once the money has been transferred to Milliways the point would be moot. There would be no rescuing of it from there on out.

petra arkanian, peter

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