
Oct 23, 2008 20:14

time for a change in journal layout, i like the circles. always like a good circle (old bag)

i was saying today that it's so hard to translate what you wanna say into irish sign language. the sentence structure is soooooooooo different (like shorthand!) and they are not thick! but they do have a different level of english education than most hearing people. so they need it to be kept more simple. generally its safer to stick to general topics.
my friend karen, who is deaf too, is another matter. she understands me because she knows me better, she understands my thought pattern (thats not common with hearing folk either!) so she somehow understands me even when i bollox up my sign language or am a bit iffy trying to explain what i mean and we can talk about more things.

it doesnt help that there is no real way to convey irony. if you explain it to death, they might eventually get it but if you just say something ironic it doesnt look that way in sign, it confuses them.

so i often confuse them with my words and visa versa! we get there in the end. the difference here than in general is, we are all deaf so we know how (fucking) annoying it is if someone says something and you dont understand so they say 'never mind'
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