update and fun stuff

Apr 05, 2008 21:50


So much has been happening since I last wrote in this thing... don't even know what I bother with it anymore.. no one reads it. For starters... my sister and I are looking to buy a house... we already have a house that has been provided to us by the Father, so we are just waiting on the paperwork to finance it... freedom, here we come! My Uncle passed away a couple of weeks ago.. it has been really hard... but even though the circumstances really stunk... it was good to get to see the family (even though they are some of the rowdiest people I know).

Spiritually, life is good. I am excited for what the Lord has in store, not only for my life, but for the lives of those that I love. The Lord is moving in all sorts of ways... and He's teaching me to be patient, and that things will happen in His timing... not my own. He is also teaching me that LOVE is an action word... you can't simply tell people you love them... there are ways that you show your love to others: words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, quality time, and gifts. Those are known as the 5 love languages... know them, learn them... and find out which language your loved ones speak.

Also... just for fun... comment on this survey.. and take it yourself! It's great fun.. I promise!

Be honest no matter what.


[ONE] Who was your last text from?

[TWO] Where was your default pic taken?
studio [i really need to change my default]

[THREE] What's your middle name?

[FOUR] Your current relationship status?
divinely single

[FIVE] Does your crush like you back?
i'm rather ticked at the person i was "crushing"... therefore.. no longer have a crush

[SIX] What is your current mood?

[SEVEN] Whats your dads name?

[EIGHT] What color shirt are you wearing?

[NINE] Would you kiss the last person you kissed?

[TEN] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
a few things

[ELEVEN] Have a crazy side?
you would have to ask my friends.... Kelly.. what do you think?

[TWELVE] Ever had a near death experience?

[THIRTEEN] Something you do a lot?

[FOURTEEN] Angry at anyone?
im trying to let go of my anger...

[FIFTEEN] Do you wanna see somebody right now?
sure do

[SIXTEEN] Virgin?

[SEVENTEEN] When was the last time you cried?
wednesday night

[EIGHTEEN] who would you do anything for?
Jesus, family and friends

[NINETEEN] Who is your hero?
Donna (my pastor)

[TWENTY] What is the one thing you notice about the opposite sex first?
back and shoulders (and butt)

[TWENTY-ONE] What do you want most in life?
to worship Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth with my family

[TWENTY-TWO] What's your biggest secret?
only my closest friends know my biggest secret

[TWENTY-THREE] Where is your ex?
who knows where...

is an action word

[TWENTY-FIVE] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
heck yes i do!

[TWENTY-SIX] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
whole lotta nothing

[TWENTY-SEVEN] Do you speak any other languages?
Hablo un poco espanol {I speak a little spanish}

[TWENTY-EIGHT] Whats your favorite smell?
men's cologne

[TWENTY-NINE] Describe your life with a smiley face?
what the heck does that mean exactly?

[THIRTY] Have you ever kissed in the rain?

[THIRTY-ONE] Do you like the rain?
yes... even moreso with thunder and lightening

[THIRTY-TWO] What are you thinking about right now?
why my best friend and i don't talk like we used to...

[THIRTY-THREE] What should you be doing right now?
what God wants me to do

[THIRTY-FOUR] What is your favorite memory?
Ihave many... most of which include Kelly

[THIRTY-FIVE] What are you listening to?
"dance like there's no tomorrow" by paula abdul

[THIRTY-SIX] Who was the last person you told i love you to?
Kacey and the Bean {Emma}

[THIRTY-SEVEN] Who was the last person you yelled at?
my mother

[THIRTY-EIGHT] Do you act differently around the person you like/love?
i don't have a signigicant other in my life at the moment.. this question is irrelevant

[THIRTY-NINE] What is your natural hair color?

[FORTY] Who was the last person that made you smile?
my daddy
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