So yeah, after a year or so...

May 15, 2006 23:11 I've been in practice for just shy of a year now, and I won't say it's the interaction with clients that makes it all worthwhile, but it does at least provide some passing entertainment from time to time. Some of my favorites:

"Don't worry, doc, he'd never bite you."
"...seeing as how he just did I'm not convinced. Can we get someone else in here?"

"...wait, is this going to cost money?"

caller on the emergency line, around midnight: "When do you guys open? Are you open now?"

"You're putting your finger where?"

"I want my dog's tubes tied but leave everything in there so she can still have sex."

"Is this the safe vaccine?"
"...I wasn't aware we carried specifically UNsafe ones, ma'am."

"My cat hasn't pooped yet today [this at 10:30 a.m.]. What do you think could be wrong?"

"Is that blood? Well...yes, now that you mention it, Fluffy has, um...attacked a few people who came to our house, but we figured she'd be okay with you."

And the ever-popular:

"So am I gonna get to talk to the vet?"
"........sir, I hate to break it to you but I am the vet."

To conclude, my mission this year is to look markedly older than I did last year. -_-;;

Also, random angelic memeness!

I'm...transparent and emotionless. Go me!
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