Uniqueness. Individuality. These are traits that ambitious musicians aspire to. When these qualities are recognized in others, trends are set and fashions are established. Everyone has the ability to be unique, because no two personalities are exactly the same.
Individuality is developed by the mind. The first step is to believe that we're unique, and that if it's not blatantly apparent in our art form (music, taste, or whatever), it can be developed.
Have you ever heard the phrase "I am that"? I believe it means that you are what you think you are. The way you perceive yourself is what you will ultimately become. The problem is that many of us aren't always aware of how we perceive ourselves. This gets into realms of psychology that probably exceed our comprehension, but I believe it's possible to give yourself a conscious message that will incorporate itself into your psyche and lifestyle.
I believe it's a law of nature that every person is different, with a unique capacity for self-expression.
there is a total uniqueness and individuality about yourself, and it will make itself more and more apparent each day. You must believe it. Dwell on it every day, and it will become part of your thinking. You will be what you think you are. "I am that".
But remember, it's important to keep your ego in check. It's easy to get carried away with yourself, and that's guaranteed fire damage to the soul. If you're unique, then everyone else is, too. You must appreciate and respect the uniqueness of others. Think about this every day and you will feel your "uniqueness muscle" getting stronger...
I believe it's the most valuable advice I can give anybody.
Martian Love Secrets