Practice, PG-13

Sep 04, 2010 11:45

Title: Practice
Author: spaceangelacid
Words/Time: 379/27 min.
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Repetition
Notes: Decided to pull out my superspecialawesome space action setting to celebrate the fact that OH MY DAMN EVERYTHING'S DONE KICKING ME IN THE ASS AND I HAVE TIME TO WRITE AGAIN (even though I kind of have to get back into it). Also, hi there, I'm new :) *shakes hands*

I couldn't do it.

Week after week I saw him, but I just ended up with my face against the floor.


What was I doing? Why the hell was I here?

"Again, dammit."

I was a scrawny guy who worked in a fucking office building, why was I spending my Friday nights in a gym basement?

"I'm starting to think you're a lost cause."

Oh yeah, that was why.

The stronger man chuckled and twisted my arm even harder. "Oh, come on. It's not that hard."

I happened to run into him one night on the way home from work--or rather, he happened to run into me. I got mugged by these three huge guys, and this bastard came out of nowhere and practically destroyed all of them without breaking a sweat.

He offered to help me. He called me pathetic.

I am.

I love hearing him say it.

He let go of my arm and stood up, looking down at me in disgust. "Try it again."

They called him Kashmir. I didn't know if that was his real name or not. To be honest, I didn't care. For some reason, I just liked how he talked down to me, how he looked at me, how much he seemed to despise me. It's like I was a project he undertook for all the wrong reasons.

I'm a bit sick, I suppose.

I ended up on the floor. Again. Kashmir sighed and shifted his weight, pressing my face harder against the concrete. "You love it, don't you?"

"What?" I managed to say.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smile. It wasn't any sort of smile I'd ever seen from him before. It was malicious. It was dangerous.

Oh my God, it was hot.

He leaned forward. "You're not as subtle as you think you are."


"And I think I like it."

Double fuck.

And then it was over and everything was back to normal and he was completely disgusted with me again. "We'll practice some more next week."

He got up and left, but I had to take a minute. In fact, I had to take a few minutes.

I was scared. I was excited.

Fridays would be a hell of a lot more productive, I hoped.
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