Gee what a place. never thought I'd end up in a place like this. Kind of reminds me of the Qliphoth... cre~epy. I don't like this place at all. And where's the Colonol? Sigh. He's always missing, isn't he
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Haha, of course Anise, how thoughtless of me. &hearts My feelings have merely been so tender and easily manipulated as of late~ you'll have to forgive an old man his senility and sensitivity.
Well, let's hope so. I do not wish to deal with such a senile Colonel! ♥ It's no fun that way~ Though I can think of some nasty things to do to you... And leave the pushing of the wheelchair all up to me! ♥ I'll make sure you get exactly where you're going~
Now, now. These 'nasty' things are no doubt against Daath's more formal teachings, and might not be looked upon with a fond eye if preformed by someone vying for the spot of future Fon Master~ Especially if these deviations are to do with a certain someone's mild fetish for pick-pocketing~
Oops! My bad. ♥ I would never do nasty things to such a sweet and handsome Colonel, now would I? You know me better than that~! I would never ive up my dream of becoming Fon Master!
Pick-pocketing? Who, little ol' me? I would never do such a thing! ♥ Silly Colonel!
I'm afraid any welcome would seem tragically misplaced, considering your local.
Oh? You're too kind to me Anise. &hearts
Pick-pocketing? Who, little ol' me? I would never do such a thing! ♥ Silly Colonel!
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