As thirty dialogues bleed into one

Jan 14, 2012 00:18

[68] Stock/Fashion

A very overdue mix of holiday, winter and other icons. The first set are for inspired20in20's Round 6, which challenged us to go outside our comfort zones. That...definitely happened, so I'd especially appreciate any feedback on those!

1: Blending/Not Square|2: Blending|3: Blending|4: Blocking|5: Textures/Text/Soft Revolution
6: Textures|7:Textures|8:Textures/Blending/Monochrome|9:Textures|10: Muted
11: Textures/Monochrome|12: Blending/Muted|13: Blending|14: Blocking|15: Textures
16:B&W/Blending/Not Square/Blur|17: Blending|18:Text/Blending/The New Year|19: Blending/Not Square/Monochrome|20: Fake Background/B&W


RULES:Want? Take. Have. Comments are nice, credit completely optional. Edit at will.

If you own an image and would like it removed, just let me know.

inspired20in20, stock, 20in20, fashion

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