Aug 20, 2006 20:17
well for the past couple of days i hung otu with jennah and got my nose peirced then i got drunk went to 2 graduations got hit on by fuckin like 17 year olds (sis friends ) ian widmer-wick stole my sunglasses and wont give htem back =( i got mine back from freddy garrasi and got my candle back from PCP hahah (paul) and grr also im gettin my lip tongue bottom of my belly button and a monroe peirced =/whoot whoot and im goin with Jessie (josh gf) wow jsdfhsdjkfhsdjk everythings soo fucked up and guys are gay, soo many of them like me and its scary cuz even if i think their hott i still dont like them as much as the other guy =/ ohh well also got my fuckin cell phone tooken away and i hate my dad not rly and i feel liek a fuckin asshole and djkfhjksdf i probly have court monday and i totally wanna kill myself and all but its nto rly worth it well actually it is cuz my lifes soo fucked up and i want it to end... NOW.