crisis of the day

Nov 17, 2006 23:38

So for the past almost four weeks, there has been a crisis in my life daily (actually I should take that back, everyday of my life there has been a crisis of the day, but those other ones aren't important right now.  Actually, nothing is really important right now except this.).  One day it was Matt's fateful email.  Another day, it was him breaking up with me.  Those were biggies, but I feel like today is pretty big, too.  This is going to sound rediculous to most of you, but today is the first day in AT LEAST four consecutive years that I have not spoken to Matt at least on the phone.  He sent me a text this morning and tonight, but no phone.  Okay, that sounds pitiful written down, but anyone who knows me knows how much I'm freaking out.  I haven't really talked to anyone lately (actually at all lately) so this probably sounds extra weird, but we are trying to stay friends and *potentially* get back together after things settle down and he "gets a chance to figure things out."  Don't ask me what that means.  I don't know exactly and really couldn't even try to explain it.  Anyway, moral of the story is that I am freaking out because I feel like this person who has been SUCH a huge part of my life for the past 5+ years is now slowly falling away, and in actual measurable steps that I can pinpoint, like going a whole day without talking on the phone.  Okay, I'm done.
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