Dec 07, 2006 11:10
Almost there with only two more lessons to go for my dog's training. When I first started the training I was thinking ten lessons which is two and half months. I am so glad and relieved that it is coming to an end. Besides the trainer going through the various commands and guiding us in training our dog, we ourselves have to do our homework everyday for at least 15 mins. The first four lessons were held indoors at my apartment and the fifth lesson onward is done outdoors.
For a dog who has a mind of her own and can be very defiant at times, I feel she has done pretty well. She gets distracted quite easily and that is the whole purpose of outdoor training. It is to get them to obey commands such as the "sit-stay" and the "down-stay" even if there are people walking, jogging or other dog owners bring their dogs for a walk. I try my best not to miss Duchess's training sessions as I know how important it is for her. She is 7 months going on 8 months and is still a puppy so she is still very active and playful and loves to chew on things like shoes, slippers and anything she can get her paws on.
So Duchy girl, you have done well for yourself!