Switching things up

May 05, 2009 16:14

So, since I primarily use Face Book now, and in a couple months should be returning to work AND starting Grad School, I need to do some maintenance on here.

Being the voyeur that I am, I would love to know if any of you are on Face Book (so I will be able to follow you there), since I go on that site almost daily and rarely use lj these days.

You can either add me (under my real name - Michelle Chatelain), or simply shoot me an email with what your user name is, and I can add you that way. I would appreciate it greatly! :)

I am going to slice my friends list rather drastically as well, not an attempt to garner attention, or a means to slight anyone, it is nothing personal! This journal was always my brain dump, venting spot and random posting site, I am aware it is not all that interesting to those that don't really know me (and perhaps not even to those that do). I never made the effort to try to be as witty as say serialkiller, marieoroumania or orbasm. I actually am a pretty darn good writer when I try, but, even at my best, I'll never be as good as selfish, angelcityblues, kambrieloktober or nanilla. But, I digress....

I just wanted to see who I could find on Face Book before I start downsizing, and to let people that might get their panties in a wad know that I am only de-friending people out of necessity.

So, um, yeah...

Oops, almost forgot, I can't access my old Flickr account, so I created a new one, to follow a few people, and because my interest in photography is growing daily. So, if you wonder who michelleyc34 is, that is me! :)

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