May 18, 2005 18:21
I just got off the phone with my sister and she told me that one of her favorite shows "Joan of Arcadia" Got canceled. I have to say that I'm not surprised. Not that it isn't a good show, it is. She actually forced me to watch it with her several times and I have to say I was impressed. The writing, the acting and the subject matter were all great television and that sadly is the reason I'm not surprised.
After Ats got the axe I realized that there really wasn't one show that I watched that I looked forward to every week. I had a couple other shows I watched when I remembered they were on but BtVs and Ats had been the only things keeping me from just chucking the tv in the trash bin and reading a book or better yet even more fanfic.
When the Jossverse ended I turned the tv off and literally didn't turn it back on for several months. LOST got me interested in TV again but even that show is something I could lose and not get overly upset about.
There are only a few times when a television show has really gotten under my skin and made me invest in it on an emotional level and what's more stay emotionally attached to it long after the last eppy has aired. I don't see anything out there now that does this for least not yet.
Why is that you ask? Well I'll tell you.
It's because the networks don't want critically acclaimed television shows they are only concerned with the BOTTOM They could care less what WE the audience wants.
The only thing the networks are concerned with these days are getting as many twenty somethings, with minimal acting ability on the air so they can reach their twenty something demographic. God knows those are the people with all the money in our society and they will spend it all on the products their sponsors are hawking...NOT.
I guess those of us over the age of 25 aren't important enough for them to cater to. Our money's apparently not good enough either.
Quality television is a thing of the past. It's all reality crap that doesn't interest me in the least. Hell if I want reality I'd stay at work 24/7. I watch TV to escape from reality and take a nice repast from the real world. Why would I want to tune in to shows that throw it right back in my face? No thank you. They can have it.
Give me something that takes me out of this reality and creates a new one for me to enjoy. Give me plots that are intricately woven around characters that are multi-layered not one dimensional cardboard cut outs of characters I wish were on the screen. Give me emotion, passion, angst, humor.
Just give me something so my TV doesn't become a huge paper-weight when the "Idiots in Charge" get the next wild hair up their collective back-sides.