Let me light up the sky ♣

Apr 09, 2020 23:39

Emcy, here! Welcome to my journal!
If you're not French and wondering what my username says, simply, it is "Little Otter". I thought it sounded cute and well, couldn't resist using it.

To newcomers: If you think we'd have something in common or maybe you just want a new friend, give me a jingle here! I'll likely add you because I simply adore making new friends and I really want this new journal to have more buddies! So don't be shy and comment! I can guarantee you a response within a day, if that. But please don't simply add me and don't comment. 99% of the time, I won't add you back [with the exception of people I already know]. So, please don't add me on a whim. I'm not here to see how many people I can add to my f-list.

Get to know me: My Giant Ship List | Claims, Stamps and Junk


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