(no subject)

Dec 09, 2009 01:37

Meme I jacked from natiyachan. I tried to spread out the pairings as much as possible 8D


OO1. Sam/Dean (Supernatural)
OO2. J2 (RPS)
OO3. Nai/Gareki (Karneval)
OO4. Lavi/Allen (D.Grayman)
OO5. Arthur/Merlin (Merlin)
OO6. Will/Emma (Glee)


OO7. Sawyer/Kate (Lost)
OO8. Lulu/Shirley (Code Geass)
OO9. Aizen/Momo (Bleach)


O1O. Zero/Yuuki (Vampire Knight)
O11. Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter)
O12. Frodo/Sam (Lord of the Rings)


O13. Angel/Kate (Merlin RPS)
O14. Penelope/XanderKevin (Criminal Minds)

1. Why do you dislike #10 so much?
That boy has absolutely no redeeming qualities about him other then the fact that he's pretty. In any setting other then a manga, he wouldn't even have Yuuki hanging about him. I just don't get it. I mean, they have nothing in common, no romantic interaction (and of what they do later feels forced) and to me, they're more like the older brother, younger sister then Kaname and her actually are! This pairing just drives me up the wall!

2. Who do you know that ships #13?
Absolutely nobody. I've met no Angel/Kate fans at all but I would love to meet one! I mean, they've gotta be lurking around in fandom somewhere, right? Maybe if I find a fellow Morgana/Gwen fan then I'll find myself an Angel/Kate fan as well ♥

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
Exactly how they are. If Nai grew up or Gareki got too soft, I'm not sure I'd like this pairing as much. I think they're perfect in the situations they're already in. So, in other words, Gareki just has to keep looking out for Nai and I'll ship them hardcore =)

4. What is your favorite moment for #1?
Ouch. Hard pairing to pick for. But, probably, since first season is my favorite, the moment during Faith when Dean's all, "You're not going to let me die in peace, are you?" and Sam replies back with, "I'm not going to let you die, period." That scene just makes my heart go aflutter, both for their gay romance scenario and super much for their regular ol' brotherness.

5. How long have you been following couple #6?
Since Glee started. When was that? D: I can't remember. Nor do I find I really care. Glee is an awesome fandom. If you aren't in it, go watch it. Fo serious.

6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring?
They were so cute together in the first season!! I shipped them plenty. But then in the second season everything took a horrible turn, Shirley became insane and desperate and Lulu became insane and obsessed and then when he ignored her death at the end of that one episode I was like, "KSLFDJASKALDJASDKLASFJ WHAT?!?!" Mind you, I haven't finished the second season yet but I doubt I'll go back to shipping them. Code Geass, leave my god damn pairings alone!!

7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4?
OH! So not cool! J2 or Lavi/Allen? Both my OTPs for different categories?! Come on! Err ... well ... if I have to pick ... I'll probably go with J2. I participate more in that ship and Lavi/Allen is more of a ship I adore when I read but ... I find I don't really look up much fanwork for them. Don't get me wrong, I fuckin love Lavi/Allen but J2 is just higher up on the list for me currently =)

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
Zero/Yuuki. In fact, if given the power, I'd wipe Zero from all existence and be done with my biggest problem.

9. What interests you about #14?
It's nerd love and when he saw her for the first time and he got all nervous and they had that long, exchange of stares, my insides just fuzzed over with how adorable it was. And she introduced herself as Penelope, not Garcia which I found so endearing ♥ I hope something happens. I want something to happen.

10. When did you stop liking #7?
I've never really liked Kate but I've never liked the pairing of Jack/Kate and I wanted Sawyer to have a snuggle buddy and found I actually kinda liked when Kate was with him. It was cute. But then that pairing faded rather quickly and was replaced with Sawyer/Juliet cause they're just damn cute ... even if the extent that I've seen of them is one scene together and the idea in my mind.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?
Not at all. I just thought it was so cute how she looked up to him and how he took care of her and then he goes ahead and kills people and turns evil and breaks her heart and dklfjsdlkfjsdklfjsdfksdjfklsd I WAS SO MAD AT AIZEN! I love that man and still do even now that he's evil but I love Momo way more and UGH! JERK! But he makes a good villain so no, I still love the series dearly, haha.

12. What's a song that reminds you of #1?
Take it Home by White Tie Affair and no, I don't have any sort of logical reason behind it. It's just that, after watching it and then hearing that song, I immediately thought of them. I can't explain it.

13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
I blame the faze but that'd be Sam/Dean and J2. But, now that I'm watching Criminal Minds more, I'm going for Penelope/Kevin! 8D

14. Which do you dislike the most?
Ten, definitely!! Ugh!

15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
Nai/Gareki and Lavi/Allen, hands down. It'd be a huge gong show and full of so many laughs, I bet they'd do it again. And and and I like the idea of Nai meeting Lavi and Allen <3

16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes.
Haha, no and I doubt it'll ever happen but they fool around a lot so, who knows, maybe something will happen by accident ;)

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely?
Series ain't over yet but from what I've read, they seem pretty content with each other and have grown closer. They're just both in their own angst buckets right now.

18. What would make you start shipping #14?
If I saw them interact more. I mean, they're cute but I'm not even sure if Kevin is going to stick around for much longer. He has that episodic character feel to him .... which makes me sad D:

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6?
Ohhh, way to break my heart! ;-; Really? Pick between J2 and Will/Emma? Okay, no, in all honestly, I can't pick. It's way too hard.

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
Can I personally appear in the series to kill off Zero and then leave? I don't care what happens after that, as long as I'm the one who gets to pull the trigger. That kid needs to go away already. Seriously.

Apparently, I picked right by number ten, haha. So many questions for that one.


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