May 04, 2006 22:37
i can't believe theres only like 2 weeks left of school. for some reason a part of me doesn't want it to end. perhaps its because i dont know what im doing after graduation? i think i would like to do something with nutrition but am i going to want to do that for the rest of my life? am i going to enjoy it? Val and i may open a bakery someday...the training to be a nutritionist would help in that area but who knows if the bakery is just a dream too far to reach...or just an idea that will never come to pass because we may go our separate ways.
im kinda fed up with school all together and dont want to go to college. i haven't even applied anywhere. i don't want to take a year off...if im gonna go...i'd like to just go. i would really like God to tell me what to do. i know he does everything in his own time but it feels last minute. colleges started accepting applications forever ago and what did i do? nothing. i didnt even really look into a school. ugh.
anyway, ive been soo overloaded with school. this 10,000 word paper is taking a really long time and on top of that i have a bunch of other homework. we did have yesterday off because there was an accident and mrs.lily and mr.jim were unable to come and unlock the school so they said we could have a day off. (they're the only ones with the keys)so...i spent the day writing the essay. i did get a few thousand words so that was good because i didnt get any done today. lol i had to finish my math and make an egg drop thing. we tried it...i hope it works tomorrow.
i took my AP French test on monday...i dont think i did well at all on it. words i should have known slipped from my mind upon entering. things i should have done during certain parts of the test...i didnt do. what was i thinking? perhaps i was thinking of failing? whatever the case, i didn't do my best. i hope i do better tomorrow with the European history one though, ive taken French for 5 years and feel i did horrible...ive taken Euro history for one year and feel i know next to nothing. God's gonna have to help me tremendously.
saturday, i'm gonna hang out with Brit. shes going to prom that night so ima help her get ready and then take her and her b/fs pics so i can use a pic or two for my digital photography project.
monday we dont have school because the teachers will be at the fair grounds with some expo thing...sooo valerie, my mom and i are gonna go shopping in Altimonte. it should be fun :)
well ima go. im tired.
well im gonna go to sleep...ive been really tired lately.