Feb 18, 2005 14:31
Well the third week has come to an end and I have time to post as I sit here in the mailroom waiting for Joe to deliver the mail....
So I think that I not only have strep throat, but a head cold on top of it. Amazingly I made it through today at school and an still ok enough to attempt to do the mail...if it gets here soon. Thank goodness I have off next week...I'm sure to be found sleeping at random times durning the week....
The children are making the trasition into having me as their teacher. I have been teaching a lot recently, the whole second half of the day yesterday! At times I wonder if it's what I should be doing...but that's when i'm frustrated with planning or getting something done. Then I remind myself of that feeling when I have a really sucessful lesson, like today, and I realize that it's worth the frustration because the children are really amazing. I did my first hallway project this afternoon. It went so well. We drew a pictures of Abe Lincoln is any part of his life and then drew a "thought bubble". They all came out so cute! So I made a banner "Based on the stories we read....What did Abe Lincoln think?" We had a couple of him leading the Civil War (blood and guts included of course), one Lincoln Memorial (thinking he needed a vacation), many of him reading because he like to read a lot, and one of him getting assinated! They are eight years old of remember......
oh well.....that's all for now...i think i might leave soon...my throat is really swollen...
missing lots of ppl....