Aug 26, 2008 21:29
The first test is this Friday. It's in Devo (Developmental Anatomy) but it's difficult to get motivated since everyone says it's a waste of time. Plus, Devo is worth 3 credits, while Gross and Biochem are worth 9 each (ICM and FOD are worth 2 each, for a total of 25) so it doesn't make as much of a GPA impact.
Gross lab is fun. It's not really as hard as people make it seem, you just have to get over your fear of it, I think. Having had practice makes that easier for me than for a lot of people.
Antwan: "Hey Sarah Beth, what's this muscle?"
Me: (grabs the muscle and pulls on it) "Extensor carpi radialis."
Frank: (who seems to spend a lot of time at my table) "HOW did you know that?"
Me: "It connects to the carpals. It's on the radial side of the arm. And when you pull on it, it extends the wrist."
Frank: "But...!"
Antwan: "She's right."
Chad (who is rocking a solid Jew-fro): "Sarah Beth can I ask you for a favor?"
Me: "Sure Chad, what's up?"
Chad: "Stop studying Anatomy. Learn something else, you're making me look bad."
At this point Tony started dripping and the conversation devolved into who's-got-the-bucket and such. But it's kind of funny to me that they think I know what I'm doing. 97% of the time I'm making it up as I go. I feel like a legend in my own time. Hilarious. Of course, when we take our first exam and I'm not #1 anymore, that illusion will be shattered. Oh well.