Apr 08, 2004 16:10
Hip hip, herraayyy! It is almost Friday, the end of a weird week for me. I have one week left and then I am done with OU, maybe forever, who knows?? That is such a scary thought to me to not know what i am going to do and where i am going to go next year, but i know God will answer my prayer and show me the place. But, why am i talking about schoooo?? I am so excited to see my snuck snucks it is unbearable. I just have missed them all so much, i miss laughing with them and making up new names for eachother and learning what little kids say such as snuckey and podo perv! MAN ALIVE! It is so weird reflecting on this past week because it has been such an up and down kind of week. On Monday, i was just on fire for everything. I was in the best mood, but then things changed fast and drastically. I am fine now but things just hit me sometimes and i don't know where they come from. I think i really do like my job a lot, maybe not love but just like a lot. I may say i hate it because of the pay and hours, but those kids seriously are worth it. All of them too. Anywho, i have to go and take a nap, because i am unbearably tired from those kids. But, YEAH for Snuck snucks and baby stupids!!!!!!!