Aug 05, 2004 11:30
Well, this is my live journal, i have posted on friend's journals, yet this feels extremely different. From what I have seen this whole live journal idea can create a hectic situation. As well it can provide you with the support and love that one needs. I came to the decision to create a live journal, i think maybe to vent a little. I really hope my friends who in the future read my journal don't take too much offense to what i write. But sometimes i need to let things out, and sometimes i cant do that to their faces in fear of the reactions.
Well my day has just began, nothing unusual so far. I will be resorting to my live journal quite often seeing as how i am grounded for the rest of my life. its ok though it is my own fault. I managed to really mess up and im getting what i deserve. My parents will get over it in a month or two. Like i was saying. Normal day, i'll be working later on, and i have to make a few calls in order to try to cancel a meeting that some friends dont want to go to. Well, i'll write more later.