A double page from my sketch book

Dec 28, 2011 02:03

A double page from my sketch book

I worked simultaneously in June-August 2011 on two fics for the spn_J2_BB called You are the one with your finger on the gun (by akintay) and Ace (by unreckless). Here are two pages of sketches devoted to these fics. There are others but I find them less beautiful than those two that, for some reasons, I love a lot

I'm sorry about the quality of the pictures but because of the big metal spiral binding in the middle, it's terribly difficult to scan the book so the only solution I found was to take a photo.

I still have somewhere pages from mydeancasbigbang that include a kind of map of Sam's mind and a ridiculous amount of Castiel's sketches but I don't know where I put them. I'm a bit messy sometimes.

Tools of the trade:
- Graphite on paper (from 5H to 9B)
- Bic Matic (Mecanical pencil 0.7mm)
- Staedtler Mars Micro 0,3mm


Random stuffs

- I didn't forget I have to post my calendar-wallpapers without the calendar at the bottom but I realized I lost half of them. I'm working on it folks, it's just harder than I thought in the first place. I have to dig in my HD through one year of spn fan art...

- I signed up for spn_illuminated, a kind of Reverse Bang and I'll post my prompt at the beginning of January. The art claim is on January 7th if I'm not wrong.

- I'm a bit late when it comes to answer to comments but I think I'll have more time to do it at the end of this week.

- This short post is also the occasion to post the art I planned for my "Happy Holidays Entry". If it wasn't for artmetica, this thing would have ended up in the trash. I wanted to experiment something new with Photoshop filters but I failed so I preferred hiding this art in my HD instead until artmetica told me to post it. I have no excuse for the golden frame though. I must have been drunk when I drew this

That's it for this post!
See you soon with pictures of Paris at Christmas time.

sketches, j2, supernatural, sam winchester, jensen ackles, jared padalecki, fan art, fan fiction art, dean winchester

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