Fan art : Spn Tarot - The Strength (Dean Winchester)

Apr 12, 2010 06:49

Fan art : Spn Tarot - The Strength (Dean Winchester)

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supernatural, tarot, jensen ackles, dean winchester

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Comments 99

nejisthecoolest April 12 2010, 05:39:57 UTC
WOW! I love everything about it! You are so talented.. I wish I had your skills!


petite_madame April 12 2010, 05:45:38 UTC
Thanks a lot ^^ There's more to come in the next few weeks :)
I have my skills thanks to practice (I can't help drawing at least one or two hours a day). I'm desperate sometimes. I've been drawing since the age of 8 and I still make mistakes ^o^


aidanirl April 12 2010, 05:54:51 UTC
you are blowing my mind here...


petite_madame April 12 2010, 05:59:17 UTC
Like Dean blew the monster ? Ouch!! ^^;;
Thanks a lot for the comment about my fan art :D


kruel_angel April 12 2010, 05:55:59 UTC
Smokin'... like always! Great job! Creepy ass monster! &hearts


petite_madame April 12 2010, 06:00:20 UTC
Yeah, I wanted that monster to be creepy, but really creepy and disgusting. Glad to see I reach my goal XD
Thanks for always stopping by and leaving a comment ^^


kruel_angel April 15 2010, 11:54:21 UTC
Yeah it looks like the monsters tongue might come out at any moment like an alien. lol.

Of course. Every time I see your work I'm just blown away. &hearts


kellifer_fic April 12 2010, 06:05:07 UTC
This is beautiful. I can't wait to see what else you come up with!


petite_madame April 12 2010, 06:13:26 UTC
Thanks a lot ^^
As far as the Spn tarot project is concerned, there's 3 more to come :
- Castiel (King of Wands)
- Future!Dean (10 of wands)
- The Lovers (Young John & Mary)


animotus April 12 2010, 06:53:43 UTC
Ohh this is beautiful!!And so realistic!Love Dean's hair!♥


petite_madame April 14 2010, 03:38:34 UTC
I spent a lot of time drawing his hair. I wasn't able to find the right color and which way his hair line should go. I think I redrew it two or three times XD
Thanks a lot for the very nice comment :)


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