Spn_30snapshop Art 3/30 : MONSTER

Feb 15, 2011 11:09

Spn_30snapshop Art 3/30 : MONSTER


ART ONE (FULL SIZE) here: img59.imageshack.us/img59/8383/monster1tag.jpg

ARTTWO (FULL SIZE) here: img641.imageshack.us/img641/7484/monster2tag.jpg

Beta by T.A.M (The Amazing maichan808  ) , still trying hard not to have an heart attack due to my English


What's the concept?

My third prompt for the spn_30snapshots  community, Monster. I will present my 30 prompts as a kind of Sam & Dean's journal (or a dictionary if you prefer) with one entry for each word of the table. I will fill the prompts out of order, maybe (if I can) once a week.

A Master Post for the Snapshots?

Yes, just follow the link : Master Post

Tools of the trade ?

- Graphite : Sam and Dean - Steven's shoes
- Photoshop CS : coloring + CG Painting (Steven - lollipop)
- Photography : Notebook texture (what you can see on the left of the pic)
- Ballpoint pen : writings

Next ?

Next week if I have the time. A very sad one.

That's it for today!
See you next week

PS: I am a little bit late concerning the comments and P.Ms. I am working on it ^^

fan art, supernatural, 30snapshots, sam winchester, dean winchester

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