Fan arts : 5 arts for the J2 AFTER CLASS Exchange

Feb 07, 2011 13:32

Fan arts : 5 arts for the J2 AFTER CLASS Exchange

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jared padalecki, j2 after class, fan art, j2, supernatural, jensen ackles

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Comments 153

violateraindrop February 7 2011, 12:44:51 UTC
You're awesome!
My favorite is either the one of the Jensen with the glasses or Autumn :)


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:18:04 UTC
I am really surprised that people loved the "Autumn" one so much. I hesitated before posting it because I wasn't satisfied with Jensen's face ^^;;
Thanks a lot for the great comment about my works :)


narikalen February 12 2011, 00:54:34 UTC


petite_madame February 16 2011, 02:47:05 UTC
My icon? ^^ It's a prompt I filled for the spn_kink_art community. Someone wanted "Dean wearing Sam's black hoodie and nothing else" and here is what I drew:

I am not sure the OP expected something like that but...huh...never mind XD


winsangel February 7 2011, 12:44:53 UTC
AMAZING!!!!!! The T-shirt hug takes my breath away *sighs*


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:19:13 UTC
Thanks a lot ^^
I love the Tshirt one too. When I saw the reference picture, I was like "OMG!! OMG!! I HAVE to draw this!!" I was tired but I drew it in about one night XD


aythia February 7 2011, 12:46:02 UTC
Oh my! This made my boring day so much better! The adorableness of it is just...awww! I love them being all cuddly together like this. It's just so perfect.

And Jensen in glasses is pretty much the hottest thing ever, so I gotta ask...any chance to get an icon of the black and white one you used in the banner? It's just gorgeous!


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:26:25 UTC
Glad I made your day better ;)
I have a thing for Jensen with glasses too, that's one of my big kinks with smoking!Dean. I just couldn't help it even if Weimar didn't say anything about glasses ^^

Of course, no pb for the icon. However, I am not sure about the result because of the quality of the original picture :

Thanks a lot for the great comment about my works :)


aythia February 8 2011, 07:07:51 UTC
Thank you so much for the icon! It's gorgeous :)


petite_madame February 11 2011, 04:23:40 UTC
You're welcome ^o^


la_sigh February 7 2011, 12:54:35 UTC
WOW !! You never fail to amaze and daze me ! Your are so frickin' TALENTED!
Beautiful work, loved each and every one !!
Thank you so much for sharing !!
**"Exclamation Points and flailing"**


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:30:40 UTC
Thanks a lot for the great comment about my works :) I should have just drawn one or two pics but when I had the idea of "The four seasons", I couldn't help it, I drew the 4 illustrations one after the others ^^;; It was definitely a LOT of fun particularly "Winter" because of the highlights.
I've just realized you bought me a Virtual gift!! Thank you very much for your present ♥
and sorry to thank you so late


uglybusiness February 7 2011, 12:57:26 UTC
I really love the tennis one, so dynamic and pretty!


petite_madame February 8 2011, 02:31:33 UTC
Thanks a lot for the great comment about the "Tennis one", I REALLY wanted it to be dynamic :)


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