Sorry about tomorrow's crack!art
I will post tomorrow my last
spn_reversebang prompt inspired by the A-ha's video for
Take on me (and some other stuffs). I would like to tell you not to expect angsty or dark arts like the ones I did for
Moonstruck or
Speedway. It's really crack!arts done with pencils and Manga Studio (except one) so don't be surprised if there is only one sophisticated Photoshop CG drawing in the Art Post. I really hope these illustrations will make you laugh as much they made us laugh,
dragonspell (my beloved author) and I.
These green creatures were on the drawing I submitted the day of the art claim but not a lot of people noticed them.
I can't tell you now about the plot of the fic, of course, but believe me,
dragonspell did an AMAZING job considering the ridiculous number of crazy and stupid arts she had to deal with. She mananged to include practically all of them in the fic. Wow!!
I also would like to thank all the people who left a comment on my latest RBB posts but also on
Closer and all my previous art posts. The feedback I had from you guys was absolutely AWESOME so really THANK YOU. I still have to answer to some comments but don't worry, I will answer to everybody eventually !
That's it!!