long entry guys plz read..! :)

Jun 12, 2004 11:44

MoRnInG sUnShInEs!
ohh gosshhh where to start? well yesterdayy was by farrr an awesome dayyyy!! ohh but first....i wanna send a huge *hug* to my best buddy ClAuDy ClaUde cus lately she's been feeling really emo :( *tears*..and i don't like to see her emo..so hugs to her..*MWAH* :)..okey..jejejeje...soo yesterday was awesome...i got up kindda late..jajaja...and i got all my stuff ready for our belly dance performance at matamoros. i took a shower..and got all my accesories ready too...then i ate lunch (that's how late i woke up)jaja soo i was really xcited and energetic..then i got online and chekd my lj..and saw that people answered bak to my lj..yays i feel loved jeje awww..so yeah...and then after i ate..i took a shower...did my hair..in a bun major harisprayy eeeekkk i hate hairspray...and i left to my cuzins house..got my makeup done for the performance..then i went to the dance studio to meet w/ the girls..that were coming along..we waited..for rachel to get there..and off we went to matamoros...so while we were on the road...we saw this hugeee...hUmMer limo' we were like WTFudgie? jajajaja im sorry guys...but i hate hummers..and as a limo its even worse.we were like OMG...wut is that? *gasp*..jaja it was hilarious..the driver kept on looking at my teahcer..jaja the flirt..n*e*who..then when we were gettign kloser to the IntL. bridge to matamoros..SoNia (my dance teacher) missed the exit...and she had to make a major U*turn!!! jajajaja and it was 6:45 pm..and ...the show we were inivited to kome out in, started at 7:30 we were like CHHEEESSEEE AND RICEEE GRR...jeje so we finally make it to matamoros...looking for teAtro ReFoRmA...we finally get in...and my kusin who was following us ...behind sonnia's car..wouldnt get there..and she had my COSTUMEEE!!!!!!!! i was like WThelll? :( i was getting soo nervous.kus we were koming up next and stuff...and sonia was like wheres ur cusin??..and i had noo klue..and stupid cell phones were all ROAMING....akkkkk jajaja n*e*who my cuzin finally gets bak stage i got ready in like 2 minutes...my teacher's ..costume didnt fit her ..so we were fightign w/ her top part of her costume..HILARIOUS...and then i coulndt find my zills...so i had to open a new pak of zills..my teacher had..and then we got on stage..we had not practiced..the dance..and we DID GRRREEEEAAAAAAAAAT!!!!! i have to video...if n*e*body wants to see it ..jaja j/k the ballet skool that invited us..loved our costumes..and our belly dancing..and at the end they gave us recognition too w/ little awards and my teahcer got a beautiful flower arrangement...for being guest dancers...soo that was an awesome feeling :)...then..my teacher tells us that we got invited to dance in HOUSTON woot woot! but were not sure yet..so im keeping my fingers crosed....and im praying jajaja to goo...XCITEMENT!..afterwards we decided to get dinner..ther in matamoros...jeje* wink*...and we didn't get bak till like 1:30 in the morning..so i was tired..and w/ a full stomakk. im gonna get FATT! jajajaja :( no no .and today...im going to harlingen...to go see my sisters play BODAS DE SANGRE...at the harlingen arts..theater or something.. (AI)...and ummm i get too seee the hottest guy in the valley well to me he's veryy cute..JOSEEE yay! jeje soo i get to see himm *sigh*.and i think after the performance..were thinking of going to Re!nOsA ...to *YES* cus its the club's 4th anniversary soo its gonna b a greeeattt party...over there..and we dont wannna miss it..but i dunno...i have a feeling we wont b able to go..but i wanna goo hmm..oh well...we'll just have to see wut happens...alrite..angels sowwy for my loonnng HUGE entry :( but i wanted to share my xcitement bout last nite..jajaja alrity...take care cutie's...luv u all a bunch!!
*HuGs And SwEet kIsSeS*
*~j@Nny~* <3
p.s. tell me bout ur day..CLAUDIA!! COFEE MANANA AT ...b&n ...6 pm? if anybody else wants to join us...ur more than welcome to komme *MwAH* 843-9735 gimme a ringer! :P
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