just this weekend and monday ES TODO!!

Aug 06, 2004 14:34

hola..mis pekes!

wow..u guys realize just 3 more days till we go bak to skool? freakin SENIORS all the wayy!! jaja its kool... :)

alrite angels..wut to talk about today? hmmm well...yesterday morning...at 9 AM grrr..jaja..we had a performance at the *Renaissance* hotel...for a ~ChRiStI@N dIoR~
conference / workshop ;) ...yeahh my dance teacher was invited to perform for a group of kosmetic konsultants..and managers and etc etc...DIOR kompany people... jeje so yeahh we performed BELLY DANCE..ofcores jejeje i was soooo psyched :) my dance teacher and ReY dUrAn performed a TANGO number awwwwwwww..it was gureat..yeahh & the people in the conference really liked us like a lot... so much that we r already booked for next yrs. DIOR conference

again! jajaja n*e*who..yeahh aww & then this morning..my sister took an order..of McDoNalDs pankakaes all staked 2gether with a candle ..to her bf*s house (kus it his b~day 2day)..like at 7:30 or something it was sooo kute and anoyyingly adorable jeje :) ...he liked his surprise YAYS! uu know... its soo funny the way people look when they have just woken upp...its like " AHHHH *gasp* U SKARED ME jajaja "

but its all good..i look purty nasty when i wake up too jajaja...n*e*wayz...wut else too say? hmm oh i bearily read..that *H* kut his hairrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAY ...babe i gotta see ur hair now im sooo kurious..i still dont think u would look like rikardo tho jaja..i dunno i*ll just have to see ya...

ohh and im xcited..kus..tomorrow i got a quincenera to go too..well actually 2 ...but i really dont wanna go to one of them :/ jaja ..yeahh im gonna go to one in VaLle hErmOsO woot WOoT!! major DANCING!! jajaja osvaldo told me to take him that he would go w/ me so i kould have a dance partner :) but ehhh i dunno jajaja j/k...i think i'll go ahead and take him kus he's a

cutie...KUEROOO jaja..yeahh and well tonite im gona go to the movies ..w/ adris...mayb...jaja but i dunno wut movie to watch..i wanna go watch " little blak book" awww and she wants to go watch "catwoman" hmmmm i dunno..i go for "little blak book" n*e*who...alrite...angels..i know i have more to talk about..but my mind is a blank rite now...so i'll update..laters...take kare..huns! ciao ciao :)

*hug and @ very sweet K!Ss*

♥ j@n ♥
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