Jul 26, 2004 21:48
first of all i wannna sayy once againn HaPpY BiRtHdAy dAnNnYYY!!!!!!!!!! :) I HOPE U HAD GUUURREAAAT d@y cutie :)
soo yeahh today was great...i was out and about all dayyy..jajaja myy mom bought me the *Dirty Dancing* movie..not *havana nites*..kus it hasnt kome out yettt GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR iii amm dying to buy that movie i looved *havana nites* :0) imm soo getting that movie...n*e*whoo yeahhh and i was listening too SiN bAnDeRa a lot today in the radioo i have got to buy mee their cd*s ii just have tooo soo yeahh..my mom & i went purty much shopping we bought my kusins b*day gift 2dayy YAYNESS!! ;) JAJA and then we went to sub wayy mmmmmmmmmmmmm i freaking luv subwayy and i had an oatmeal kookie for dessert mmmmmmmmmm jaja w/ lemonade mmm jaja yeahh n*e*who
then we went to re!nosa and we kame bak homme i watched like 20 minutes of dirty dancing :0) then i had to leave at 5*oo pm to my dance eventhou my klass doesnt start till 7 buut it turned out my sis had to gooo get some *wardrobe* for the movie that she'*ll b koming out in ..she's koming out in an independant film kalled *HaRvEsT Of rEdEmPtIoN* WOOT woot jajaja yeahh soo then i went to dance klass and waited a whole hr for it to start jaja noo problemo..and my friend * co*dancer/ performer vanessa payed me for performing friday
at he r cusins kuince jajaja i was like kawww hoow sweet u shouldnt have jajaja n*e*who i got payed jajaja woot woot ...soo yeahh and then i kalled hershy but he was busy *tEaRs* :( jeje but thx to him i was able to get my new icon all set for my lj thx hershy hersh! :) alrity well now im gettting tired of typing so i*ll just head off now..ciao ciao angels take kare !!! :)
*hUg & @ very SwEeT kIsS to all my buds*
*j@n j@nny* <3 <3 <3 <3