Jul 18, 2004 19:23
so yesterday was too kool...i went to a dance performance...and i was able to take pics..w/ myyy hott dance teacher augusto d*varona ***major sigh*** anndd we talked for a while ayy he is sooo cuuute and when i took the pic w/ him he was actually gonna carry me ..all proffesional dancer style but* coughity cough cough*...i wasn't properly dressed for that jajaja :) n*e*way..afterwards...SonIa invited me to go eat dinner w/ them and i accepted and didn*t get home till 12
something at nite , she's a great person we had funn.. i was soo sleepy i mean friday i had already gone to sleep really late soo yeahh...i was tired already..and then during the day..i was piking out a lot of old stuffed animals that did not have that much sentimental value and gave like 2 or 3 bags full of them away...jejeje i need space in my room..& then hershy ...
kalled jaja :)thxx buddyyy jeje at least i had him and adriana karing for me jajaja ohh and *h*'ers ofcores jaja and so we were in the phone for a lil' bit...oh yeahh and today..i went to b&n to look for a summer reading book... and while i was looking for my book..i kalled more buddies up..hershy included who was obviously boored as hek looking at his cealing jajaja oh & i met a really sweet guy jajajaja...who wanted 2 help out but i kinda got skared ..then ofcores i went to the musik dept...and found tooo many kool cd's... and i was looking for the (*AndY y LuCAS*) cd ..but guess wut? THEY DIDN'T HAVE IT major **gasp** ohh and i found a book ive been wanting to buy in like forever its kalled *dAnCeR* its The STORY OF RUDOLF NUREYEV..ONE OF RUSSIA'S best of the best ballet dancers a major role model for me xcept for wut he had..he died of aids *tears* but he has a great storyy..and ofcores margot fonteyn and galina kome out...ohh *sigh* the magical world of dance jaja yeahhh...it just makes mmee sooo freaking happy... n*e*who my cuzins doggie had surgery friday..and she wasn*t doing veryy good :( ... but fortunately today she seems to b doing better woot woot !! :)
and soo now ..im just wating till its 8 pm...to watch the soccer game..mexico * vs * brazil...MEXICO has got to win duurr jajaja i wanna get a mexico soccer jersey..i soo want one i think i**ll get one in re!nosa some time this week hopefully jaja..alrity..well..i gotta goo...i'll talk to u all ...angels later...take care..hunnies!
*One hUg & oNe sWeEt kIsS*