Oh, holy damn...

Dec 11, 2010 19:04

I assisted with my classmates to a conference/symposium on WW2 in Asia this friday, which was the 10th december, the International Day of Human Rights.

The Rape of Nanking, the P.O.W. (Prisoners of War) camps in Hong Kong, the Comfort Women, the Human Experimentations... All those untold stories... All those survivors... How can Japan still refuse to apalogize?

Scratch this question, I know the answer, I know why and I think it's fucking bullshit.

Cuz, I went to the same conference last year and assisted at the same workshop about the Comfort Women, those military sexual slaves. Most of them were korean, phillipina and chinese women, you know. Often poor, uneducated, aged between 10 to 45 years old, they were tricked or kidnapped into this mess. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-UwU1-RVWs And, that day, after this particular workshop, I got home and talked to mom about it. Then, she started telling me stuff about my grandma - who never really said anything about her past but slipped some pieces of info from time to time and... I picked those pieces up and put them together and... yeah, guess the rest.

Friday, I stood up in front of everyone at the end of the workshop and told them about my grandmother, passing away, leaving behind the ones who loved her but that would never know her story. Told them there's 80 Halmonies (means grandmothers in korean, that's how we call those surviving women) left in Korea. Only 80. Next year is gonna be what, 60 halmonies left? 50? 20? Then who's gonna remember them? Remember their story, their pain? It's disappearing, I'm telling you, and we have to talk to them before it's too late.

Yeah, I cried a lot yesterday. It's Saturday for me right now, but I know some of you live in the future, lol.


...Never a conference had emotionally drained that much me before.

In fact, with all the things that has been happening lately, I'm emotionally beaten to the ground.

personnal stuff, emo stuff

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