I'm baaaaacckkk...*snicker*

Apr 10, 2005 09:27

I went to Italy and Switzerland! Yeah!

Well,yes...I'll post my journal entries here from the trip soon so you can all see..Dr. Rice is great, but I don't want to leave the country with her again...I had a good time though, except for a FEW people (like, over half) who seemed intent on pissing me off. Like this girl Gina..ooh! Evrything out of her mouth is a your-mom! joke! I was like: "I want to go to college here!" "Your MOM wants to go to college here! *huyuck!*"

And Kayla-Nicole...ooooh! Everyone was in the Italien airport (there were big security guards with dogs and sniper guns EVERYWHERE) and they start to goof off--just like Dr. Rice says not to do--and I say, "Hey guys, shut it! Remember?" And Kayla-Nicole goes:

"Heather, when you say stuff like that, it hurts my feelings, and you could say please because *motion with hand* it hurts here and I want us to be friends!"

And God gave me the courage NOT to say this to her anal-retentive anus:

"I'm sorry, next time I want to hurt your feelings, I'll ask first and say please, and then I'll do it. And please don't say stuff like that, because it hurts here *pointing my finger like a gun to my head*, and I DON'T want us to be friends!*a motion with my hand--guess which?*"

And why is it I get in trouble for saying stuff like that, when Rachel Toy says she's going to castrate someone (namely, Andy at the dinner table in the restaurant in Venice) in the EXACT SAME MANNER, and she's sitting RIGHT IN FRONT of Wolfie, and she gets off scotch-free???! Fuck that!

As previously stated, I'm going alone with my mom and aunt next time--screw other people. Oh! My dad said people in Europe have bad industry so their gas prices are up. Well, as per usual, he less-than-half right. In Europe, gas is REALL expensive (you should see the little 60-mile-to-the-gallon cars they drive!Cute!), but they have FREE HEALTHCARE AND COLLEGE EDUCATION! Do your research,dad..Sheesh.

I bought KKJ in German *teehee* and have the translation of it here at home. DANTE-SAMA! I got him too! *luv*

So, I'll be sporting all that lovely ned red leather I bought in Florence and my belt-whip (so dubbed to a slight word vomit I had taking a ::cough:: funny ::cough:: photo shoot with the girls before we left Rome) all week!
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