Sep 19, 2004 19:50
Geez, I was gonna update about tech, but it totally slipped my mind ><;... and now most everything is gone from my head I was gonna talk about x_x;.
To sum it up: got some minor injuries (just cuts, bruises, and a couple splinters) working on stuff for the Romeo and Juliet set. But had lots of fun using the jigsaw >=3. I heart that thing ^-^. Better than the portaband, even though it's a lot of fun too =D.
Anywho, Athena went home on Thursday... and as usual I was really depressed. No worries, though... it always happens when my friends go home after I've been seeing them for awhile.. *shrug* It'll pass. 'Sides, I'll get to see Teeny again at YCon =3. Yay ^O^!
Oh, and I'm officially addicted to Naruto ;_;... I blame Sohji. Even though Teeny is the one who showed it to me. He's the one who got her addicted so it is his fault she showed me in the first place. Anywho, this now means I'm actually going through and reading the manga I DLed ages ago of Naruto on my laptop and reading them, XD. Plus Teeny is making me copies of the Naruto eps she has =3. Bwuhaha! I just won't get them until YCon *sulk*... but oh well, at least then I know I'll get them safely ^-^. I was happy I found my DVD-Rs for her to use so she'd already have some to burn my copies =3.
Hrm... what else...
Gah, can't think of anything x_x;... well, not true, but I really don't feel like writing about half the other shit =/. One of them being some dreams/nightmares I've been having lately. Remember all that crap from earlier this year? Yeah, well... the dreams/nightmares are coming back. I don't really even know what category they fall in... they're... "happy" dreams, but... I dunno... they still hurt so much when I wake up... and they haunt me as any nightmare would...
*sigh* But whatever... I shouldn't let it get to me. Gawd... I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my con and theatre family right now -_-;. My old family is gone... and I know I'm never getting them back... because even if I do, I don't think I could trust them again. I have nothing left for them to take.
Getting off that emo topic >_>;;;...
Anywho, as I said, not much else going on. Finally getting into the groove of school again... although the schedule still throws me a bit. But I'm getting there ^^;.
Seriously, for those who know how much I usually suffer from the heat waves because I naturally run a small fever anyways, you know how much this cold weather means to me =3. Although I agree with Athena... this probably means we're in for a bad winter >_<;. But, that doesn't bother me that much. Heck, if it gets cold enough, maybe we could see a tiny bit of snow in the East Bay again =3. There was some years ago when I was really tiny and it'd be nice to see again.
But yeah, it was nice to wake up to a cloudy sky and be able to just snuggle back down under my down blanket. I don't think I've been so content in awhile. And as much as I hate rain... I'd love for some right now. Nice, ice cold rain beating down against my window...
I can't wait for the cabin trip -_-... It's going to be so good to get away to the snow for New Years ^-^. Probably so much I'm not going to want to come home ^^;.
Geez, I know there's a lot more to talk about x_x;;...
Lalala... okay, shutting up now before I bore you all to death with my random babble, XD!